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7 helpful tips to address back-to-school anxiety

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How to manage back-to-school anxiety

As students, families, teachers, and parents prepare for going back to school, there are often a lot of emotions. Some students are excited, some are nervous, some are angry, and others unsure or experience a combination of many feelings. The one certainty is that people are talking and having feelings about going back to school. And heading back to school means a change in routines. There is no one right way to prepare or respond, however, here are some suggestions to consider:


Tip One - Routines

Before school starts, help kids establish healthy routines including bedtime, getting up in the morning, screen time, and regular meals.

Tip Two - Listen

Listen to your children and validate their thoughts and feelings; just saying ‘don’t worry’ may cause more anxiety and possibly prevent kids from expressing themselves.

Tip Three - Self-check

Check in with your stress levels – remember that everything doesn’t need to be “perfect” for the first day.

back to school anxiety
Ways to help school anxiety

Tip Four - Fun transition

Blend back to school with fun activities so transition is less sudden. For example, plan a trip to the lake, go hiking, a shopping or movie outing, camping, or whatever your child enjoys.

Tip Five - Be attentive

Ask questions and listen to what your child is saying about his or her experiences the first few weeks of school. Don’t try to “fix” everything, rather listen and figure out a plan together (if needed).

Tip Six - Be prepared

Prepare for what you can – anxiety thrives in uncertainty – so do a test run for school, go to open houses or school community events offered before the beginning of school and in the first few weeks of the start of school.


Tip Seven - Communicate with the school

Talk to school counselors to provide updates since the previous school year regarding any social, family, emotional or behavioral issues that may have arisen.


If you child continues to struggle with being back in the school routine you may want to consider professional help. Having a professional to lend their expertise and guidance on navigating these changes can help both the child and parents. If you would like to request an appointment with one of our expert staff, please contact us.

back to school anxiety tips
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Growing Roots Integrative Health and Wellness Growing Roots Integrative Health and Wellness

Recognizing the Signs: When to Seek Help for Your Mental Health

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Recognizing the Signs: When to Seek Help for Your Mental Health


In a world that often glorifies strength and resilience, it's crucial to remember that seeking help is an act of courage, not weakness. Just as we prioritize our physical health, our mental well-being deserves the same attention and care. Mental health struggles are common, affecting millions of individuals worldwide. If you're wondering whether it's time to seek help for your mental health, this blog will guide you through some important signs to watch out for.

Persistent Feelings of Sadness or Hopelessness:

Feeling down from time to time is a normal part of life, but if you find yourself overwhelmed by feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or emptiness that persist for weeks or months, it might be a sign that something more serious is at play. If these emotions start interfering with your daily activities, it's time to seek help.

Mental health services in Plymouth, NH
When to seek help for mental health

Extreme Mood Swings:

Rapid and intense shifts in mood, from extreme highs (mania) to extreme lows (depression), can be indicative of bipolar disorder. If you find yourself experiencing these mood swings, it's important to reach out to a mental health professional who can provide an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Changes in Sleep Patterns:

Insomnia or excessive sleeping can be a sign of underlying mental health issues such as depression or anxiety. Pay attention if you're consistently having trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or if your sleep patterns have drastically changed.

Withdrawal from Social Activities:

If you're suddenly avoiding social interactions that you once enjoyed, it could be a sign of depression or anxiety. Isolation can worsen mental health issues, so seeking help early is crucial.


Difficulty Concentrating:

Struggling to focus, make decisions, or remember things could indicate an underlying mental health concern. These cognitive changes are often associated with disorders like depression, anxiety, or ADHD.

Physical Symptoms without Medical Explanation:

Unexplained physical symptoms like headaches, stomachaches, or muscle pain could be manifestations of emotional distress. Sometimes, the mind's struggles can manifest as physical discomfort.

Increased Substance Use:

If you find yourself turning to alcohol, drugs, or other substances as a way to cope with your feelings, it's a clear signal that your mental health might need attention.

Substance abuse due to stress
Anxiety disorder

Changes in Eating Habits:

Significant changes in appetite, weight loss or gain, or a preoccupation with food can be symptoms of disorders like depression, anxiety, or eating disorders.

Intense Worry or Fear:

Excessive worry, often irrational in nature, can be a sign of generalized anxiety disorder or other anxiety-related conditions. If you're feeling overwhelmed by fear, it's important to seek help.

Suicidal Thoughts or Self-Harm:

If you're experiencing thoughts of self-harm or suicide, it's crucial to seek help immediately. Reach out to a mental health professional, a friend, family member, or a helpline such as a suicide prevention lifeline. Visit our Crisis Resource page for more information.


In conclusion — it is critical to prioritize your mental health. Remember, seeking help for your mental health is not a sign of weakness, but a testament to your strength and self-awareness. Just as you would consult a doctor for a physical ailment, reaching out to a mental health professional is essential for your well-being. If you recognize any of these signs in yourself or someone you care about, don't hesitate to seek the support and guidance you deserve. Your mental health matters, and seeking help is a vital step towards living a healthier and happier life. Contact us today if you would like to schedule an appointment with one of our mental health experts.

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Growing Roots Integrative Health and Wellness Growing Roots Integrative Health and Wellness

7 Reasons why couples counseling could be right for you

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Strengthening Bonds: The Hidden Benefits of Couples Counseling

Relationships, much like plants, require care, attention, and the right environment to flourish. Just as a skilled gardener tends to their garden before the first signs of withering appear, couples can benefit immensely from seeking professional guidance through couples counseling – even when their relationship seems to be sailing smoothly. Contrary to the common notion that counseling is only for struggling relationships, it can be a powerful tool for enhancing connection, improving communication, and fortifying the bond between partners.

Couples counseling services in Plymouth, New Hampshire

1. Communication Enhancement

Clear and open communication forms the foundation of a healthy relationship. Yet, many couples find themselves trapped in patterns of miscommunication or avoidance. Couples counseling provides a neutral space for partners to express themselves, encouraging them to listen actively and respond empathetically. Through guided conversations, couples learn effective communication techniques, which not only help in addressing issues but also foster deeper understanding and empathy.


2. Skill Building

Relationships often face challenges that require specific skills to navigate. Couples counseling equips partners with tools to handle disagreements, manage stress, and negotiate differences. Learning these skills early on can prevent minor issues from escalating into major conflicts. Moreover, these skills transcend the counseling room, benefitting various aspects of life including work, friendships, and family dynamics.

Skill building techniques for couples

3. Strengthening Connection

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's easy for couples to drift apart unintentionally. Couples counseling offers a designated time for partners to reconnect emotionally and rekindle their love. By exploring each other's interests, dreams, and fears, couples can deepen their emotional bond, enhancing intimacy and creating lasting memories.


4. Preemptive Problem Solving

Just as preventive healthcare helps ward off illnesses, preemptive couples counseling can prevent relationship problems from arising in the first place. By identifying potential areas of conflict, couples can address them proactively, minimizing the chances of future disputes. This proactive approach strengthens the foundation of the relationship and prepares partners to face challenges together.


5. Nurturing Growth

Healthy relationships encourage personal growth and development. Couples counseling can provide a platform for partners to set individual and joint goals, fostering an environment where both individuals can thrive. With the counselor's guidance, couples can explore their aspirations, offer support, and celebrate each other's achievements.


6. Third-Party Perspective

Couples often get entangled in their own dynamics, making it challenging to see the bigger picture. A couples counselor offers an unbiased, outside perspective, shedding light on patterns and behaviors that might not be apparent to the partners themselves. This insight helps couples gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their relationship, allowing for informed decision-making.


7. Investment in the Future

Couples counseling is an investment in the long-term success of the relationship. Just as we invest in education, career development, and personal growth, investing time and effort in a relationship can yield rich rewards. Couples who participate in counseling are better equipped to weather storms and enjoy the sunshine moments together.

In conclusion, couples counseling isn't just a lifeline for struggling relationships; it's a tool for fortifying connections, nurturing growth, and preempting problems. Just as we service our vehicles before a breakdown, couples can benefit immensely from seeking professional guidance even when things seem to be going well. So, if you're in a relationship, consider couples counseling not as a last resort, but as a proactive step toward building a resilient, fulfilling, and lasting bond.

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